Be ‘THAT GIRL’ in 2024 👸

Turning your resolutions into reality RN

You’re gonna be THAT GIRL this year.👑

The conditions are: You read this email and execute it. 

As one of the girls at Girls Who Excel, we KNOW that you are driven to build your dream life, the only thing between you and your dream life is— CONSISTENCY. 

Let me clarify one thing right off the bat: Being ‘THAT GIRL’ is not about fitting into an aesthetic of clean girl routines, green juices, 12-dollar lattes, and pilates (nothing wrong with loving that aesthetic, though) 🥤🧘‍♀️

But, more than self-care or organization tips, it's about walking in YOUR aligned direction 👏🏼EVERY 👏🏼DAY to watch your dream life shape up. 💫

 You deserve the authentic lifestyle that brings the best out of you. So here we are with some undeniably effective tools like our bestselling HABIT TRACKER that will help you kick off everything that is holding you back (like the constant feeling of wanting to snuggle instead of tackling your task list).


Sis, you know what's rarer than finding the perfect-fit jeans today? Focus. 

Social media, Netflix, Whatsapp notifications, sudden phone calls from your bestie to rant or gossip — the distractions are endless. 

Wonder why resisting distractions is hard? Because our brains “feel” safe in familiar situations and a new habit is an uncharged territory. It is unknown and scary for our brains. Hence, the importance of assigning a purpose (A.K.A our WHY) SOOO important, that we need to fulfill it.

Some examples:

  • Give your parents a comfortable life? 

  • Take a solo trip to Norway to watch the northern lights. 

  • Buy your dream car to drive around and build lasting memories with your besties.

Recognize your strongest reason and the emotion attached to it. Write it down in your journal, put it on sticky notes on your wall, or save it as your phone's home screen. When it's in your sight, it's in your mind 🧠👑.


What if I say there's a one-morning ritual that can help you transform your life? Yep, Just one 😌

🔵 Every morning 🎁 GIFT yourself alone time before reaching for TikTok.

🔵 Sit in solitude.

🔵 Cut off the external world, tap into your inner self, and visualize. 

“Visualize what?” You may ask, your dream life.

Use all your senses and intuition to think about what ‘THAT GIRL's’ life looks like to you. Close your eyes, see your success, hear the compliments, and feel radiant while you take deep breaths. 

Will visualizing make any difference? OFC!!! A 2013 research is gonna shock you 🤯.

Participants were made to ‘imagine’ themselves doing bicep curls for 30 minutes every day for 2 weeks. They were instructed to form vivid imagery of them working out. 

Results? The participants gained 13.5% muscle mass. They never lifted weights. Their beautiful minds did the deed.

The power your thoughts hold is phenomenal! Use it to your advantage.


Babe, If you are used to checking your phone as soon as you wake up, building a habit of meditating first thing in the morning will be tough initially. Remember, you are IN CONTROL, and you can BREAK THE PATTERN. 

Luckily, TOOLS are here to help and make it easier for us to release unwanted behaviours. The reality is we can't progress upon what we don't track. However, we built an intuitive Habit Tracker to show you how much your effort is paying off.

Tracking gives you direction. When you see a clear picture of your progress, you're motivated to do more of it.  

With Habit Tracker, building new habits is a breeze. It's your bestie who has your back. She applauds your everyday wins. 👏👏👏

Get going by ticking off your progress and continue ‘till you're living your ‘THAT GIRL’ life 🎀.


The Girls @Girls who excel