How to get rid of imposter syndrome?

7 ways to grow without self sabotaging your success!

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Hi Girlie, 

You just got promoted, or you’ve been recognized for something special, and you’re happy! 👀

You know the feeling… smiling and talking to your colleagues. Everyone’s congratulating you. But deep down, there’s a hushed voice saying, “You don’t deserve it” or “It was probably just luck.” 

You pulled long nights, pushed through, and got the work done, but somehow you ended up being called an imposter. A fake. By who? Yourself

Listen, friend. There’s nothing wrong with having this feeling creep up; even the most accomplished of people have it every once in a while. 

The real problem is when it starts affecting your work and your mental health. In this edition, we’re going to talk about steps to get rid of the nagging thoughts for good!

How to launch an email course (step by step)

In this in comprehensive guide, Will Steiner (creator of Master the Email-Based Course) partnered with beehiiv to share everything he knows about email courses. It’s a master class in selling more online–by teaching through email.

Over 1,000 students have taken his course (but he’s sharing the best way to get started here).

Characteristics of imposter syndrome

The voice of the imposter shows up differently in everyone, but here’s a few telltale signs: 

  • Blaming your success on luck instead of owning it. 

  • Overworking yourself to the point of burnout. 

  • Setting goals that are way too high to reach. 

  • Doubting your own skills and abilities. 

  • Feeling less confident in yourself. 

  • Struggling with low self-esteem. 

  • Having a huge fear of failing. 

  • Being a total perfectionist. 

7 ways to get rid of your imposter syndrome…

💓 Own Your Feelings, Babe

Everyone's been there. Seriously, even the most successful people you can think of have had those "Am I good enough?" moments. So, next time you feel like a fraud, remember: that you’re not alone. It's just a phase, not a true reflection of your worth. 

Give yourself some credit, queen—you’re just like everyone else who's crushing it, feeling those doubts along the way.    

📜 Flip the Script 

Time to change that inner monologue from "I can't" to "Watch me!" When the negative thoughts start to creep in, flip them. Instead of "I’m not qualified," say, "I’ve got what it takes, and I’m ready to learn more!" 

It sounds funny and kind of simple, but it works. There’s a ton of science around how our inner dialogue shapes our world. Start a habit of challenging doubtful thoughts with facts about your achievements. Remember, you’re the main character, and the main character doesn't let a little doubt stop them. 

🎊 Every Win is Worth Celebrating

Girl, it’s time to hype yourself up! Keep a ‘Yay’ journal where you jot down every single win—big or small. Got a compliment from a coworker? Nailed a project? Write it down or keep a note on your phone!

 Don’t make “on-to-the-next” your thing (Not all the time). You need to wire success into your brain.

When imposter syndrome comes knocking, flip through your journal and remind yourself of all the fabulous things you’ve accomplished. You're not just lucky; you’re talented and hardworking. Pop the metaphorical champagne and celebrate yourself. 

👽 Ditch Perfection

Perfection is overrated. Instead of aiming for flawlessness, aim for real. Set goals that are realistic and remember that everyone makes mistakes (even Beyoncé has to practice for months to get that choreography down). 

Perfection isn't the goal—growth and forward progress is. Celebrate your journey, not just the destination. You're evolving and learning, and that's what truly matters. So, give yourself a break and appreciate the progress! 


Talk it out! Share those imposter vibes with your besties, mentors, or anyone who gets it. Chances are, they’ve been there too. 

Sharing your feelings is freeing, and you'll probably find out they’ve had the exact same thoughts and experiences. Surround yourself with a support system that lifts you up and gives you that reality check you need. 

No one can shine alone—it’s all about supporting each other. 

📑 Don’t stop learning

Who says you have to be perfect at everything right now? Nah, life's about leveling up.

The best leaders are learners. Every time you pick up a new skill or face a challenge, you’re adding to your glow-up. So, keep asking questions, stay curious, and remind yourself that you don’t need to have it all figured out. Just be open to the process! 

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🫂 Be Your Own BFF

What do you do when your best friend is not happy? Send her an ice cream… talk to her… and just be there for her. Right? Do that for yourself as well.    

Would you ever tell her she's not good enough? No way! So, don’t do it to yourself. Be kind, show yourself some love, and remember, it’s okay not to have all the answers. Self-care isn't just face masks and bubble baths (though those are fab); it's about being kind to yourself even when things don’t go as planned. 

✨ Just a heads up girlie: Almost every 2nd person feels like you do. So, we get it! 🫶 

Big sis advice comin’ in hot 🥵

If you’re feeling like an imposter, it's just a sign you're leveling up. You've earned your spot, so stop second-guessing it.  

Imposter syndrome doesn’t define you; your resilience, passion, and hustle do. Keep shining, girlie, because the world needs more of your magic! 💫


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